K-Pop Club Night


K-Pop Club Night
Student only
Winchester free safety bus to the event (20:30 depart/00:00 return)
Student only
Winchester free safety bus to the event (21:30 depart/01:00 return)
Student only
Please login to buy

About this event

Making its return for 2025, SUSU's K-Pop club night is back! This time featuring Seoul's very own DJ Emkay

Get ready to dance the night away with the very best and latest K-Pop music. Enjoy the biggest hits, photo opportunities, and K-fashion at our club night!

Bag and Pocket Searches
Before you enter we will ask to search your bags and pockets - this is to ensure everyone's safety during our event.

Photography & Filming
Photography and filming will take place at this event. This content may be shared on social media, on our website, and in marketing materials. If you have any questions or concerns please contact sucomms@soton.ac.uk

Free Winchester Safety Bus Tickets

This ticket will give you free transport from Winchester Riverside Way Halls to the event and back.

  • Pick-up location for outgoing journey: Moorside Road (near Riverside Way Halls entrance) in Winchester
  • Pick-up location for return journey: SUSU Safety Bus stop at Highfield

There are 2 travel times (please only book one ticket per person). The bus departure times each way are mentioned in the ticket name. Please stick to these travel times as we have a limited number of seats in our minibus.

If you are not waiting at the bus stop at the advertised time, your seat will be offered to another student.

Please note that you will first need to buy a K-Pop Club Night ticket in order for the Winchester travel ticket to be valid. Any travel bookings by customers who have not purchased entry to the event will be cancelled 

Event details

  •  The Cube
  •  21:00 (start)
  •  01:00 (end)